Trading Places for the Day

If I could trade places with any famous person for a day it would be Trevor Zegras. Trevor Zegras is a professional hockey player. One reason I would trade places with him is because he is a professional hockey player that plays for the Anaheim Ducks. My biggest dream in my life is to be a pro hockey player and play on the Anaheim ducks. Being a pro athlete is the best thing that could ever Happen to me. Also I would love to experience what it’s like being a pro NHL player. My second reason is he gets to workout every day and play the game he loves every day. If I could workout everyday and play hockey everyday it would be so fun because I would love playing a sport that gives me joy and makes me feel good about myself. If I could lift waits everyday it would help in physically and emotionally, lifting waits is one of my favorite things to do. Lifting makes my mind focus and make me think of only good things. My final reason I would want to be Trevor Zegras would be he gets to travel around the United States of America and Canada for the game he loves. I always love traveling for my hockey team and play teams I’ve never played. When traveling you get to go on a flight with all your friends and hangout with your buddies pretty much all day. I love traveling and it always brings me joy. It would be a dream if I could swap life’s with Trevor Zegras for a day.

The Most Perfect Day

It would be a dream to have a perfect day and it would go like this. First I wake up on a cozy bed that looks out onto the beach. When I get out of bed I grab my surfboard and go to the beach and surf with my family. After I surf for a couple hours I get up and go play hockey and football with some of my buddies, around two o clock I would then come home and eat a good lunch which would be a burger and fries. After I eat I would go back on the beach and surf again but maybe just me and my dad. When we are done I would love to go shopping for shoes or more surfboards. Once I get home I would get my e-bike I would go on a little bike ride to keep my mind off of anything and have a good time in the fresh air. I would watch the sunset go down and once it goes down I would go strait to my house and eat steak and make myself a good smoothie bowl, while watching TV. Once it gets late I would go in my bed and fall asleep to a surfing movie.

Twenty-Two Years forever

I would want to be twenty-two years forever. I would want to be twenty-two because that is when I get done with my schooling. When I’m twenty-two I also can get my degree and figure out what type of job I could get. Also when I’m twenty-two I can travel the world and not worry about homework or anything besides the actual trip. Possible my job. I’ve always wanted to travel and be able pretty much do what ever I want. When you’re twenty-two you can decide what you want to do. I would go to the gym a lot more to get in good shape. When I’m twenty-two I can organize my life in a better way and figure where I want to live and how I’m making my money. These are the reasons why I would love to be twenty-two.

Rad Reading – September

Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi

This month I have been reading a Book called Shatter Me. I am on page 60 and just started. This book has a huge plot. It’s about this girl who has been takin away from her home and family. She has been in that room for 264 days and she haven’t spoke, touched anyone. She is trying to get out and wants to get free from all of the bad things in that prison. Her family never really liked her and she was never special to her parents. The 265 day she heard her door open but barely could move off of starvation. When she was a looking she saw a man. He was a dreamy boy to her. They have tried to become friends but they never really talked.

I like this book cause of many reasons. This book has a bunch of suspense threw the pages. The words they use always makes you question everything. This book has a lot of action in the pages. Every time I read it I always want to read more. Shatter Me is a book that is kinda a mystery witch gives you a good cliff hanger after reading each chapter. The author has wrote a book where leaves the reader in a mystery.

My favorite character in the book is Juliet. Juliet is one of the main characters so far. She is a character that is smart but she doesn’t even know it. She always figures something out to do every day. She has memorized the whole entire building and how many steps it takes to get to certain places. She uses her brain and she doesn’t even know it. Juliet Is a person who always power threes and doesn’t over think a lot. She is a character that has a lot of skill just doesn’t use it all. She is in a dark room and has nothing to do she is getting kept from doing what she wants. One character trait that Juliet has is that she is responsible in the book it stated that she was very careful about what she says band what she does. She only speaks or does something if she needed to do it because she didn’t want to get in trouble and possible killed.

In the book Adam said on page 35, “ You okay?”, this showed that Adam did care about Juliet and her feelings. Adam was always trying to help Juliet when he could. In the beginning it seemed that he didn’t care because he stole her bed, blanket, and her pillow without asking. This made Juliet stay in the corner of the ten by ten room. She couldn’t sleep all night and was shivering from pain and the coldness. After the book keeps going on they both became more social to each other and started talking to Each-other way more that n the beginning of the book.

My Surgery Experience

When I was young around seven years old my sister Saylor, had double foot surgery. My sister had this thing called tarsal coalition. She could barely walk and could not play soccer cause it hurt to bad. Later on she had to have surgery on both of her feat. One year later my feet started to hurt when playing my sports and running around. After a month my mom wanted me to go to the doctors to check up and get x-rays. After the doctors visit they said I had the same thing as my sister. I had it on both feet but one was worse than the other. My doctor said we could wait and see if I had to do it on both feet. Once I had my first surgery in Choc hospital I was healing very well and started playing sports after about three months. After I started playing again my left foot started to hurt bad. So I went to my surgeon and she said we need to get it done ASAP. So one week later I had to go back to Chock hospital. Once I had my cast on I was so happy I would’t have any more pain. A couple months later I played my first hockey game back. I was so happy. If I didn’t have these surgery’s I wouldn’t have been able to play any sports. I’m so glad I have great parents that walk me threw everything and always helping me out know matter what.