The Life of a Hockey Player

If I could live in any fictional universe, it would be the Mighty ducks. I would love to live in the movie The Mighty Ducks because of multiple reasons. Some reasons is that hockey is one of my favorite sports that I’ve been playing for around eight years. Hockey is so fun it brings me so much joy just playing on the ice ands skating around. Also being a team that all works together and gets a lot of attention by people around the world for how they play the sport. The movie is about a guy who gets arrested and wanted to coach a hockey team cause that was one of his dreams. He eventually gets a team together that is not a really good team and didn’t have much hope. They never gave up and kept working as hard as they can and worked together. Eventually they got really good where they would start traveling around the world. If I traveled the world and do what I loved for my job it would be a world come true. This movie is very strong mentally and physically. I This would be a dream come true if I could live in the Mighty Ducks movie.

My Favorite Meal

My favorite meal makes my mouth water every time I think about it. My favorite meal is rice and chicken with lumpia with sweet and sour sauce on the side. This food is one of the best things I have ever tried in my life. This food comes from the Philippines. My dad is Filipino and cook all this for me and my family I usually eat it on my birthday or any holiday. The sweet and sour sauce just adds a better flavor. I Have rice a lot with chicken and it makes me full every time. The lumpia has meat and some veggies in a small roll, it kinda looks like an egg roll. I would love to have this meal everyday if I could. It just makes me so full I could probably eat like six rolls. This meal taste like the rainbow when you bite into it you hear a crunch then you taste the sweetness. Then when you put the chicken and rice you taste how chewy it is and the soy sauce in the rice. I can’t wait to have this again!

My Dream House

If I could design my own house it would be right by the beach and with a football and hockey rink in the back yard. My house is going to look very modern with white and black. If it would be a two story house with four rooms. I will have a big kitchen to cook and eat. My view would be the beach. I would want it live on the beach because anytime when I am bored or have nothing to do I could go out there to swim or surf. At night I could watch the sunset while eating the food I cooked in the kitchen. My bedroom will have a big bed that I can sleep in and a huge window looking out to the beach. In my backyard is two of my favorite sports field/rink ice hockey that is indoor that can’t melt and I football field. I love sports and working out so in my garage with all my dirt bikes and cars will be a gym for me whenever I want to lift some iron. I want to have a sport room to put all my surfboard, football and hockey equipment in. I will have dogs and other animals in my house to keep me entertained and make me happy. My favorite rooms are probably my room the kitchen, backyard, and the beach. It would be a dream if I had a house like this. I would do what ever it takes to get it.

My Dream Vacation

If I could travel anywhere on planet earth it would be the Philippines. Three reasons why I want to go to the Philippines is to meet my family, travel to their tropical waters, and to see all the animals and creatures. First, my family. I have a lot of family in the Philippines. My dads side is Filipino, pretty much all my cousins live there, I have never met. It would be amazing to see my family and visit them for the first time. Second reason is fro the tropical waters. One of my favorite things is swimming in tropical water. Some of the water there is super beautiful. It would be a dream to see all the fish and other animals in their water while swimming. Last but not least the animals. Some of the animals there, are animals that I have never seen in my life. It would be a dream to see and touch all the animals. It would be an amazing experience. If I go to the Philippines it would be a dream come true.

All About Me

Hi, my name is Teak. Welcome to my blog. Allow me to introduce myself. I am a seventh grader in Santa Ana. I play two sport, hockey and football. I’ve been playing hockey for almost seven years. I just started tackle football two years ago. I have three siblings Saylor, Skylar and Meadow. Saylor is fifteen Skylar is fourteen Meadow is seven, and I am thirteen. My family and I love animals, we have a lot. We have dogs, a cat, tortoise, fish, and a bunny. One of my family’s favorite thing to do as a hobbies is go to the beach and surf. I have been surfing ever since I was three years old. I’m a very athletic and active kid. Thank you for reading my blog.